Spanish Border

If you want to venture further afield, we offer some walks near the Spanish border – at times so close that you can simply stroll across a stream and be in Spain…

Right on the border, the countryside changes, with a wider, more open aspect. The town of Sabugal is dominated by the castle, one of the best preserved ones in the area. It’s a solid structure and you can imagine it withstanding the enemy over time.

The walk follows the river out of town and through the small surrounding quintas, before winding its way through chestnut plantations, open scrubland, and native woodland. The climate here is different to the plains of Castelo Branco and the fruit plantations of Fundão, and the trees drip in a covering of lichen – very ghostly on a foggy morning.

A lot of the walk follows the river, and you get to see the old mill houses and mines that grew alongside, with the ancient stone bridges spanning the narrow points. The wildlife has space here, and you can still see wild boar and deer tracks, dippers and kingfishers by the water, and vultures and eagles overhead.

Once back in the town, it is worth exploring the little side streets, and cobbled squares and definitely spending time climbing round in the castle.

Border Lands

Duration: 3hrs

Grade: Steep

Enjoy a walk in the morning, and a stroll around town with lunch, or choose to move on to picnic and relax by the river and another walk near Quadrazais.

This is the land of the Malcattas – one of Portugal’s least explored Natural Parks. It was the last stronghold of the lynx and wolf, and although it is a longer drive to get here, it is well worth it.

This walk takes you on a loop on the edge of the Park. It starts and finishes at a river that becomes a Praia Fluvial in summer – so bring a picnic and your swimsuit! Always an opportunity for some ‘wild swimming’….

It goes through some areas of beautiful heathland, farmland, plantations and native scrub, with a few hills that give views all the way to the Serra de Estrelas and Spain.

This is a good place to maybe get a glimpse of wild boar, or come face-to-face with a hare or deer wandering down the track in front of you. The path is lined with butterflies and quick moving lizards, and a variety of birdlife can usually be seen here.

Natural wilderness

Duration: 1.5hrs

Grade: Moderate Parts

Enjoy a walk in the morning, then picnic and relax by the river or move on to lunch in Sabugal and another walk.

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